Poetic dweller: Exterior investigation

Encrypted ether
Daily defeat her
Feat of valour eclipsed
Ellipsis of clamoured aeon
Pheromonal pulchritude of prophecy, eagerly ephemeral & skimmed earth's elemental
Expressed excision of navigational sense
Impressed integration of omnidirectional whence
Sir's reel of motley requiem
Celestial artistry
Sundial magicianry
Intangible tangent to brushed stroke
Watchmaker's whim
Clockmaker's sickle
Matchwaker's hymn
Him clang colours' airish trickle
Heir molecular tonal Mothers
Earthbound revenant's veins & outerworldly oceanic arteries
Aquatic & aquatic hues & blues
Capsized tint, flotsam fleet
Prized enlightening cargo
Ship meant for world's end
Illuminated buoyancy bought in light spillage, bright pillage


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